Betty Engelstad School of Health Sciences 

College of Southern Nevada, Henderson 
Awards & Mentions
  • #2 Top Building Start in Nevada by ENR Magazine, Spring 2020

Expanding training opportunities for critical healthcare positions when we need them the most. 

The College of Southern Nevada (CSN) and Nevada State University are expanding their healthcare training programs with the 73,000 SF joint-use health and science building on the CSN’s Henderson Campus.  

The OCMI Team was brought on to provide reconciliation estimatesvariance reporting, and CPM schedule review on behalf of the Architect. The ability to capture the scope in the early stages of the project through value engineering efforts and collaboration between end users allowed the team to work through design with a more accurate budget, while our CPM schedule review provided insight on options to maximize the construction schedule. OCMI provided four (4) reconciliation estimates throughout the design process with our final DD estimate within 5% of GC’s estimate at the time of GMP. 

The Betty Engelstad School of Health Sciences supports the growing demand for skilled nurses and expand access to hands-on clinical training programs in the region.