Employee Spotlight:
Katrina Tirona


Exceptional people build a great business; as a service-based consultancy, our people are our brand. OCMI continues our monthly series, highlighting individuals within our firm who impact clients, projects, and fellow employees daily. This month, we feature Katrina Tirona, Project Coordinator in our San Diego office, who provides project controls coordination for all assigned projects with SDG&E Facilities Capital Programs while supporting our OCMI team through scoping, planning & design, and construction. “At a point when I needed a career shift for a better work-life balance for my children, my opportunity with OCMI was everything I needed, right when I needed it. The culture, growth, flexibility, cause, and team were a breath of fresh air. I am very thankful for my management, team, and opportunity.” Follow below to learn more about Katrina!

“The emphasis of OCMI’s desire to support their team through long-term growth to retain long-term employees and the openness to identify qualities and strengths of those with different backgrounds drew me even further in my desire to be a part of the company.”

Q: What do you think makes you unique as a team member?

A: My experience and background come from nothing but drive and a dedication to grow. I feel as though my willingness to learn and flexibility to take on new tasks is an example of my willingness to support my team. I take a deep pride in connection and communication which allows me to be comfortable in spaces that many are not.

Q: What would you like to learn or improve upon in the future?

A: My current goal is to learn more and gain experience in cost estimating and scheduling to be an even more added support to my team in our San Diego office. Eventually, my goal is to obtain my PMP certification and further advance in the company.

Q: What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

A: Much of my time outside of work is spent with my 16-, 15-, and 8-year-old children. We spend quite a bit of time being involved with football and track and field. Any time outside of that, we are spending time with family and friends next to a BBQ and/or pool. The moments that I really enjoy are being in the car, windows down, and all of us singing together at the top of our lungs. It’s the little things for me.

Q: If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be?

A: I would love to visit and spend some time in French Polynesia, so my family could learn, connect, and embrace the customs and culture.